Thursday, December 9, 2010

Contents under pressure

               I started a new book called Contents under pressure By: Lana M. Zeises . Right now I'm up to chapter 16 this book got me hooked. The main character is Lucy shes the type of girl who decides not to think of boys but her main best friend Allison is intrested in guys. There use to be Five friends but three of them started to have new crushes on guys and they decided to start dating. Lucy says that they went through a "transformation" ever since the beginnig of the september. Everybody goes through some sort of tansformation when they hit a new school, they' ll be new freinds, new people, new boys, and new crushes. So her brother comes to town with a girlfriend and every little sister is going to get mad just like Lucy,I could imagine having a older brother coming to the house with a girlfriend I wouldn't like her. But you can't judge anybody. This whole book is like every teens life. You'll meet new people just like Lucy did she met a boy and she thinks she like him a lot. 
              I can so relate to this in the beginning of high school I came in with some friend from my elementrary school and now I grow apart from them. To me it"s not a bad thing but to them is like missing a friend. I have new friends that I've become really close to. Seeing them sometimes gives me second thoughts like what if I continued being friend with them? What if I tryed to get closer to them? Would I have the same friends now? I'm happy with my new friends and to be honest I really don't miss talking to with them. I had new crushes these years too. I think it did kinda of change me I'm not sure because I'm still the same.But other than that I think I didn't change but my first friends might think I changed. 
        I know if I was Lucy I would have felt the same way about her brothers new girlfriend. I wouldn't like having a new person around kissing my brother. I would be really be mean to her twenty- four seven so she can leave. But then again if she makes him happy why bother. What will people do? Do you think its wrong to be over pertective?