Sunday, June 5, 2011

Coming of age

       I'm really starting to notice the coming of age theme in my book because my character is really growing up. The book I'm reading is To kill a Mockingbird, to be honest I didn't really want to this book but the deeper you read into the book it really show the characters coming of age. For example Scout a kid in her class called her father a " Nigga lover". Scout was furious like any other kid would be and she wanted to punch but instead she put her hands down and didn't lay a hand on that kid. It takes a lot for a person let alone a child to walk away from. If it was up to me I would have probably hit him.
    Another character that shows coming of age is Jem. During the fire he held his sister and comfort her. He showed that he wasn't scare so it wouldn't scare her more. If I had an older brother I would want him to do the same fo me and take care of me like Jem did. It shows that he care and is strong. Just like Scout. 
      This book really shows coming of age and is really a great book to read. The words in the book are really different from regular books but it's different and intresting at the same time. It never lost my intreste. This book is cool and different.