Sunday, June 5, 2011

Coming of age

       I'm really starting to notice the coming of age theme in my book because my character is really growing up. The book I'm reading is To kill a Mockingbird, to be honest I didn't really want to this book but the deeper you read into the book it really show the characters coming of age. For example Scout a kid in her class called her father a " Nigga lover". Scout was furious like any other kid would be and she wanted to punch but instead she put her hands down and didn't lay a hand on that kid. It takes a lot for a person let alone a child to walk away from. If it was up to me I would have probably hit him.
    Another character that shows coming of age is Jem. During the fire he held his sister and comfort her. He showed that he wasn't scare so it wouldn't scare her more. If I had an older brother I would want him to do the same fo me and take care of me like Jem did. It shows that he care and is strong. Just like Scout. 
      This book really shows coming of age and is really a great book to read. The words in the book are really different from regular books but it's different and intresting at the same time. It never lost my intreste. This book is cool and different. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Don't shoot at a mockingbird it's a sin"

   I started reading "To kill a Mockingbird". This isn't really the type of book i would read but I've been wanting to read this book I'm glad to read this book today because it's really inspiring. This book really has to do with coming of age. The two main characters are Jem and Scout. Every kid experince the joy of running around, exploring the world, playing all day. No kid can't say they never did this because kids just want to have these days.But the one thing kids don't realize is that change happens out of the blue. Jem and Scout play a lot in their neighborhood. With Jem and Scout is that they believe anything, in their neighborhood rumors spread fast and stay forever. Jem and Scout's next door neighbor is a bad person in everyones eyes. When change happens to kids it really efects them in life. It can mark them like a scar it changes them big time.
   This book is really a good example of coming of age. I think many kids can relate to this in some way when they we're younger.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When You reach me

    I haven't really read this book to a point I can tell you that I love it, but I'm also not so sure what's the point. The main character seems like a regular person nothing is intresting. But anyways I finished this book called "Liar", the main character is a compolsive liar. How much can a person lie she lied about everything. But I found her really different because she lied about being a boy when she was really a girl. The only reason she said this was because she found the guys more intresting then the girls in the school. I can so relate this I rather hang out with guys then girls because it's sometimes less drama and they can be really funny. For the main character to do this and people believed was incredible that was the first time I've ever heard of a girl doing that.
    This book is really different from other books because this character really seemed like a reagular girl who lies, but she makes the most intersting lies up. If a person actually thing of this they would probably be really shocked that the author would write about that. Something that was also a really different thing about this book is that the girl is actually telling the truth in the book but sharing why she started lieing but also her shares what she lied about. I think kids could learn something from this book. For example a person who lies a lot could read this book and see that telling the truth would fell good.
   To me every teen lies about something and continues to lie because they thing it's better like that, but it's not. Telling the truth would make a person fell good and it would change their life. I remember when I was younger and I would lie to my mom and she would belived me it felt good at the time, but when  I actually thought about it I didn't really feel like I did the right thing. But now that I'm grown up more I tell my mom the truth and she actually doesn't get mad she would just tell me not to that or give me edvice.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


    "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." Romeo and juliet express their love for each other in the weirdest way. Have you ever heard "love at first ". These two people didn't know each other and they just started to kissing. In the way I see it that was gross and noone should be that dumb to that. I think that people these days don't really do things the way they did it and I think that was a different way to show love.
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear" I loved the way he discribed his love for her it shows that he really cared about her. Men these days don't really do that ethier if it was like that now I think that a lot of men will be sweeter than ever to women! William Shakespeare shows how a gentleman Romeo was to juliet.
I come, anon.—But if thou meanest not well,
I do beseech thee—


By and by, I come—
To cease thy strife, and leave me to my grief.
To-morrow will I send.

So thrive my soul—

A thousand times good night! [Exit above]

A thousand times the worse, to want thy light.
Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books,
But love from love, toward school with heavy looks.  In these words and the way I say it in the movie it showed and sound like they couldn't wait to see each other again. It really showed how much they couldn't wait to see each other again. It was like they were holding there breaths. I think that the way William Shakespeare wrote the play actually made the whole thing romantic with the worlds and the meanings. In their face expressions it showed how they felt for each other.

   The backgrounds in the movie was kind of different then regular   backgrounds in movies. For example in romance they would have like a beautiful castel or pretty garden. But for this one it had a dramatic background instead of having the castels and the pretty gardens they had mansions with a big statue cover both rivals houses. The beach  they always went to was looking poor, and the rest of the scenes were same what the same to regular scenes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


   I finished reading "Speak By: Laurie Halse" ,This book was really different because the character isn't the typical type of teenage girls (her personality). She isn't out going, she's not talkative, and she don't have no friends. Her personality is really dark and rainy. Something you should know about my character is that shes MUTE. Her name is .............. I forgot but she is really interesting even though she don't talk. In the beginnig I always had a feeling about her like she must be hiding something, because she did have friends before but now she doesn't, for a reason I'm not going to say. 
   To me I need friends I think everyone does it's hard not having friends and not expressing your feelings to no one, that sucks. She kept all her feelings in and didn't talk for anything. Something had to be wrong, wouldn't you think? This girl was and wasn't so strong, The reason she was strong was because she held herself together and showed lots of people that she don't need a friend. The reason she wasn't strong is because when she had an opportunity and she messed up by not giving two craps about anything. But other than all this she is really sad and confused. 
     The author shows a lot of emotions and bad situations that teenagers could go through. Life could be really tough and many people don't know how to get through this and they should talk to someone even if this person don't think others would believe them. It is always good to comunicate. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

All star mentor!!!!!

    My first mentor text is Zarrins because her blogs are really different and unique. Her link is: 
She'll tell you a part of the story and give you feedback on it but also she'll tell you how she feels about it.  Her blogs don't all sound the same and she always bring up new topics instead of repeating herself. To me her stories are really intresting, it pulls you in her writing. For example when she wrote "too much" for the book "slam" she really went all out you could hear her voice in the writing. When I read this blog it started making me wonder. Zarrin also extends her writing I give her credit for that too because that means she really gets in to her books. I could never write as long as that but I just need to find a good topic that moves me just like Zarrin did and others. It sounded to me that Zarrin wasn't scared to speak her mind.

    My next mentor is Mustafa. His link is:
 I picked him because his titiles it sounds good so it makes you want to read his blogs. But his blogs are intresting also its really good. I was shocked about his books because I never suspect a boy to read a book like "Smacked" and he actually liked it. He gave intresting ideas about his book it wasn't just like "ohh I found this book really boring because it was a love story and it was to lovey dovey" he actually gave realistic feelings about the book. Just like Zarrin he spoke his mind.
    The last mentor is Keiame. Her link is:
  The reason I picked hers is because the way she explains her stories is really different she makes the books sound amazing. Her voabulary is really good too her blogs sound deep. They could be like stories they have a lot of details in them. I like the fact that she reads different books with meaning so when she writes about the book it doesn't sound like she retelling it or it came out from a book it sound like little short stories made by her.
    These mentors all have different writing skills and have different taste in thinking I think that's why I picked them but also because they all have strong feelings and ideas.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Zlata's Diary

I stared to read a book called Zlata's Diary By: Zlata's Filipovic, In the beginning i skim through the intro. Zlata wrote her diary a two year period, from september 1991 to october 1993. Zlata was part of the barricades went up in the city and the heavy shelling began. At first I was thinking about the holocaust because they called Zlata as another Ann frank. So far zlata is a normal girl the reason im still reading it is because i have a feeling that something big is going to happen. 
    It's sad remembering the past because our ancestors went through. And Ann frank, Zlata and etc our peoples heros they made history. Our ancestor been through a lot of drama more than what we are facing. I wonder how is Zlata being called another Ann Frank or being compared too.  I don't eally think they are the same. They both are facing different problems.