Monday, February 7, 2011

All star mentor!!!!!

    My first mentor text is Zarrins because her blogs are really different and unique. Her link is: 
She'll tell you a part of the story and give you feedback on it but also she'll tell you how she feels about it.  Her blogs don't all sound the same and she always bring up new topics instead of repeating herself. To me her stories are really intresting, it pulls you in her writing. For example when she wrote "too much" for the book "slam" she really went all out you could hear her voice in the writing. When I read this blog it started making me wonder. Zarrin also extends her writing I give her credit for that too because that means she really gets in to her books. I could never write as long as that but I just need to find a good topic that moves me just like Zarrin did and others. It sounded to me that Zarrin wasn't scared to speak her mind.

    My next mentor is Mustafa. His link is:
 I picked him because his titiles it sounds good so it makes you want to read his blogs. But his blogs are intresting also its really good. I was shocked about his books because I never suspect a boy to read a book like "Smacked" and he actually liked it. He gave intresting ideas about his book it wasn't just like "ohh I found this book really boring because it was a love story and it was to lovey dovey" he actually gave realistic feelings about the book. Just like Zarrin he spoke his mind.
    The last mentor is Keiame. Her link is:
  The reason I picked hers is because the way she explains her stories is really different she makes the books sound amazing. Her voabulary is really good too her blogs sound deep. They could be like stories they have a lot of details in them. I like the fact that she reads different books with meaning so when she writes about the book it doesn't sound like she retelling it or it came out from a book it sound like little short stories made by her.
    These mentors all have different writing skills and have different taste in thinking I think that's why I picked them but also because they all have strong feelings and ideas.

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