Thursday, October 21, 2010

Possessed By: Kate Cann

I stared a new book called Possessed By: Kate Cann so far the book is really interesting because, the character Rayne is wanting to be free from her house, the heat, her mom, her brother and her boyfriend Damian.Sometimes I feel the same exact way being in my house can drive me insane and all I want to do is get out. She lives in Estate and shes always complaining about how she can't walk down a street not feeling safe or how it's to hot and her fan broke, or theres to much noise outside and she can't sleep because of the nosie. Rayne stared to feel trap and she needed to get away before she turns crazy so she wanted to get a job away from the noise, from her mom and doing chores all day for her.She sees one that says Morton's Keep Rayne sends a letter to the ad that she'll like to see the job opening. The next day the owner sends her the address and time. The place is a mansion its a historical  place where a prince used to live. I would love  to sleep in a mansion that is 10,000 years old. I would feel all high and mighty. The lady that's interviewing her was Mrs. Driver and the lady was physic or something because she already knew what Rayne was feeling. That was kinda weird but she was kind and nice also she was straight forward with Rayne.Rayne decides she wants the job so she'll need to move to the Tea store but when she tells her mom about the mom is not really happy about it or the boyfriend Rayne had to break up with him so she could have time over there to think of what she going to do with college.The cab was taking a long time the cab lady came and ask if she was the one going to Morton's keep then she ask if Rayne is a ghost hunter or something that was kinda strange of a random person asking if your a ghost hunter or something. When she gets to the house shes late Mrs.Driver stars showing the rooms and telling the stories behind the rooms. One room had someone killed in it that was really scary.
    Now I'm thinking twice about my book and how everything is now twisting a little bit in to a scary feeling. Like with the cab driver asking a strange question on ghost and then Mrs.Driver was telling about the person who died in one of the bed rooms. This is making me think on how a ghost might be hunting this tea store. I think the meaning of this book is how to apreciate what you have when you have it. The reason I think that was because Rayne was really annoying on how she complained about everything in her life.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds kind of creeepy. I f i may i think this sounds more like a retell you should work on that. i like how you made a connection to the chartacter. As teenagers we all get tired of feeling trapped at home. We want to go out and explore the unknown. Thinking we know it all but sometimes we need someone to help us explore.
