Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting to attached?

In my book POSSED BY: KATE CANN , the main character is named Rayne and she's been living in Morton's Tea place for a whlie. She met this guy name St. John and his group of friends. Him and his group of friends are intrested in Morton's Tea place. St. John and Rayne starts going out even though Raynes exboyfriend still thinks they're going out. I think it's wrong of her to that because shes been liying to him since she 's been at that place. St. John has an ex girlfriend that still likes him but still kiss each other on the lips. To me this don't make any sences. To me St.John is using Rayne because she lives at Marton's Keep and he can't live there just like his friends. They all are using her because they want an eye of what it's like in the inside of the house. This place was haunted by thosand of souls who's been killed in that house. This place had many rituals and celebratinons in it. Many people know about this place except for Rayne she is starting to hear about it but trys to forget about it. I think her and St.John moved to quick into the relationship they don't know each other. St. John shouldn't be trusted hes going to end up doing something to twist the whole story. St.John asks to many question about the house then getting ti know Rayne. SHes too dum to see it or reconize it because St.John has her on a spell or something.
    I think that Rayne shouldn't get to attached so fast. I thought she was smarter than that. What would you do if you felt like this?

Is He True?????

I've been reading the same book called Possessed By:Kate Cann.  The boy that Rayne's been seeing named St.John, to me this boy has something strange with him he seems really nice and everthing. Rayne really likes him. He respects her and listens to her, but he seems like the type to give a girl a sweet talk's the girl can melt over them that's what he's doing, I think.But anyways I think he is doing something behide her back but then again I might be wrong with everthing what if he's really sweet? What if he really does care?  St.John is a person who really gives details about him but not good details so you can know him as a friend or boyfriend
 My opinion he's fake and he's hiding something from From rayne. He hasn't really show it but i have a feeling that hes doing something bad towards her. Then she'll feel like a dumb person because she left a nice gut who did care and treated good. I think she should be a really careful because she trusted him to fast. No one should have trust someone like that so fast she should be careful on who she trust.