Thursday, December 9, 2010

Contents under pressure

               I started a new book called Contents under pressure By: Lana M. Zeises . Right now I'm up to chapter 16 this book got me hooked. The main character is Lucy shes the type of girl who decides not to think of boys but her main best friend Allison is intrested in guys. There use to be Five friends but three of them started to have new crushes on guys and they decided to start dating. Lucy says that they went through a "transformation" ever since the beginnig of the september. Everybody goes through some sort of tansformation when they hit a new school, they' ll be new freinds, new people, new boys, and new crushes. So her brother comes to town with a girlfriend and every little sister is going to get mad just like Lucy,I could imagine having a older brother coming to the house with a girlfriend I wouldn't like her. But you can't judge anybody. This whole book is like every teens life. You'll meet new people just like Lucy did she met a boy and she thinks she like him a lot. 
              I can so relate to this in the beginning of high school I came in with some friend from my elementrary school and now I grow apart from them. To me it"s not a bad thing but to them is like missing a friend. I have new friends that I've become really close to. Seeing them sometimes gives me second thoughts like what if I continued being friend with them? What if I tryed to get closer to them? Would I have the same friends now? I'm happy with my new friends and to be honest I really don't miss talking to with them. I had new crushes these years too. I think it did kinda of change me I'm not sure because I'm still the same.But other than that I think I didn't change but my first friends might think I changed. 
        I know if I was Lucy I would have felt the same way about her brothers new girlfriend. I wouldn't like having a new person around kissing my brother. I would be really be mean to her twenty- four seven so she can leave. But then again if she makes him happy why bother. What will people do? Do you think its wrong to be over pertective?    

Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting to attached?

In my book POSSED BY: KATE CANN , the main character is named Rayne and she's been living in Morton's Tea place for a whlie. She met this guy name St. John and his group of friends. Him and his group of friends are intrested in Morton's Tea place. St. John and Rayne starts going out even though Raynes exboyfriend still thinks they're going out. I think it's wrong of her to that because shes been liying to him since she 's been at that place. St. John has an ex girlfriend that still likes him but still kiss each other on the lips. To me this don't make any sences. To me St.John is using Rayne because she lives at Marton's Keep and he can't live there just like his friends. They all are using her because they want an eye of what it's like in the inside of the house. This place was haunted by thosand of souls who's been killed in that house. This place had many rituals and celebratinons in it. Many people know about this place except for Rayne she is starting to hear about it but trys to forget about it. I think her and St.John moved to quick into the relationship they don't know each other. St. John shouldn't be trusted hes going to end up doing something to twist the whole story. St.John asks to many question about the house then getting ti know Rayne. SHes too dum to see it or reconize it because St.John has her on a spell or something.
    I think that Rayne shouldn't get to attached so fast. I thought she was smarter than that. What would you do if you felt like this?

Is He True?????

I've been reading the same book called Possessed By:Kate Cann.  The boy that Rayne's been seeing named St.John, to me this boy has something strange with him he seems really nice and everthing. Rayne really likes him. He respects her and listens to her, but he seems like the type to give a girl a sweet talk's the girl can melt over them that's what he's doing, I think.But anyways I think he is doing something behide her back but then again I might be wrong with everthing what if he's really sweet? What if he really does care?  St.John is a person who really gives details about him but not good details so you can know him as a friend or boyfriend
 My opinion he's fake and he's hiding something from From rayne. He hasn't really show it but i have a feeling that hes doing something bad towards her. Then she'll feel like a dumb person because she left a nice gut who did care and treated good. I think she should be a really careful because she trusted him to fast. No one should have trust someone like that so fast she should be careful on who she trust.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Possessed By: Kate Cann

I stared a new book called Possessed By: Kate Cann so far the book is really interesting because, the character Rayne is wanting to be free from her house, the heat, her mom, her brother and her boyfriend Damian.Sometimes I feel the same exact way being in my house can drive me insane and all I want to do is get out. She lives in Estate and shes always complaining about how she can't walk down a street not feeling safe or how it's to hot and her fan broke, or theres to much noise outside and she can't sleep because of the nosie. Rayne stared to feel trap and she needed to get away before she turns crazy so she wanted to get a job away from the noise, from her mom and doing chores all day for her.She sees one that says Morton's Keep Rayne sends a letter to the ad that she'll like to see the job opening. The next day the owner sends her the address and time. The place is a mansion its a historical  place where a prince used to live. I would love  to sleep in a mansion that is 10,000 years old. I would feel all high and mighty. The lady that's interviewing her was Mrs. Driver and the lady was physic or something because she already knew what Rayne was feeling. That was kinda weird but she was kind and nice also she was straight forward with Rayne.Rayne decides she wants the job so she'll need to move to the Tea store but when she tells her mom about the mom is not really happy about it or the boyfriend Rayne had to break up with him so she could have time over there to think of what she going to do with college.The cab was taking a long time the cab lady came and ask if she was the one going to Morton's keep then she ask if Rayne is a ghost hunter or something that was kinda strange of a random person asking if your a ghost hunter or something. When she gets to the house shes late Mrs.Driver stars showing the rooms and telling the stories behind the rooms. One room had someone killed in it that was really scary.
    Now I'm thinking twice about my book and how everything is now twisting a little bit in to a scary feeling. Like with the cab driver asking a strange question on ghost and then Mrs.Driver was telling about the person who died in one of the bed rooms. This is making me think on how a ghost might be hunting this tea store. I think the meaning of this book is how to apreciate what you have when you have it. The reason I think that was because Rayne was really annoying on how she complained about everything in her life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hard Love

I started a book called Hard Love By:Ellen Wittlinger  I thought the book would be different then what I'm up to. First I thought the main character would be about a girl but I guess I was wrong it's about a boy and his love for writing and how he thinks "hes immune to emotions". To me the kid is just the same as the other kids but solves his problems differently and shows no emotions towards the problem. He has a friend that he really don't care about a mom that's divorce and hes about to get a stepfather. The kid starts asking questions to the stepfather like he was getting a job interview. ( that was really strange but at the end of the interview I found out it was a piece that he was writing. But he wanted that to really happen, but it sounded like a movie script.)I think that the kid cares about his mom and who shes going to end up in her life hes just scared to show it.Thats how hes different, theres a lot of problems that hes going through but he dosen't  show his emotion towards the problem ? What kid does that usally they would be upset or sad but instead he just writes a script of how he wants to play out but dosen't show his true emotions. He reads an article called zines and there really strange he read one about a girl whos adopted and shares to people about her life in this article. I think that the kid is going to end up writing one of these articles and he ends up finding him self and starts to show his emotions.
P.S I have no clue what the boys name.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Lion, Witch and the Wardrode

The book was ok. It was different from others books I read. I think the theme of the book is fantasy. I also think it has to do with finding your self because, in the book we follow Edmund’s side and how he changed at the end of the book. He changed from evil can evil to a mature kid. I notice that the author used his religion beliefs to create his stories.